Accept the Call of Christ and His Gospel
Begin with Prayer
Our Lord instructed the seventy-two disciples to proceed ahead of Him to the various places he intended to visit. He also said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”
The disciples are to pray before beginning their mission work. The Lord asked them to specifically pray for “laborers” to bring in the harvest into the Kingdom of God. They were to pray for vocations to be realized for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
Also, they were to visit those places the Lord Himself intended to later visit. They were to “prepare the way” for the coming of the Lord. Today we are still being called to prepare the hearts of humanity to receive the message of the Gospel. We are therefore challenged to be effective servants of Christ. Our prayer life, teaching and good works help produce good fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Our Lord himself spent time in prayer before selecting the apostles, and before His saving death. How much more should we be a people who pray each day? We should begin all we do with prayer .
Reflection Questions:
Why is prayer important when preparing to do something?
Why is it important to pray for vocations or “laborers to harvest of the Kingdom of God?