Thanks to all of you that joined us virtually for our Holy Week Liturgies. We heard many wonderful comments and it is important to pray with one another. Because of this,
we will be doing the same for our Saturday evening Vigil Masses each week at 6:00 p.m. This will again be offered on both Facebook and our website (live and recorded). We are working on trying to improve the sound with our Facebook feed. At this point, the church camera on the website receives a more direct connection with our sound system so you may want to check that out if you have difficulty hearing it.
We will also be live streaming a special Holy Hour for Divine Mercy this Sunday at 3:00 p.m. Please join us virtually for this very special devotion as we seek the Lord's mercy and grace during this trying time.
As I mentioned in my Easter message,even though we are separated physically, we remain one in the Risen Christ! Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!