When asked to share “my story”, I realized that it would be necessary to start at the beginning. I grew up in the Chicago area. My father died when I was one year old. He was an expert tradesmen /mason in an era when trade unions were first beginning. He worked to help his fellow tradesmen to the detriment of his own health, and succumbed to pneumonia.
I was the youngest of 4 children, two sisters in elementary school and a brother just starting high school. We lived in a house that was initially built to be a garage. Despite our challenges, my mother always expected us to do our absolute best, and not to complain, nor expect others to do for us what we could do for ourselves. She raised the four of us on her own, never remarried, and worked hard doing what she had to for us to get the best opportunity available. We were driven to live up to her expectations. She was adamant that we attend Catholic elementary and high school. The values, principles, and attitude that we were taught helped us become better Catholics as well as better citizens. This upbringing helped me to make it through the next sixty years. I was fortunate to marry a great woman and we were blessed with three super children.
A career in business took us to various parts of the country. I was honored to be a part of a Knight of Columbus State and Supreme Council. From this background in business and religious structures, I learned that the strength of organizations comes from the local group of members, the individual parish, and the local community. Whether it is a small business team, a KC council, or a local community club, the talent available from it’s members, along with the desire and passion they have, can make miracles happen.
When we moved to Plano in 2001, we were blessed to become a part of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The people we met were warm, upbeat, and welcoming. They were also passionate about their faith and like I, tended to challenge the status quo in an effort to improve the parish and the life of the parishioner. I quickly became able to use some of my learning and skills developed through life to help with a parish team. We were charged to help determine our parish purpose and what we, as a parish, ultimately value. We developed a parish covenant that lists what we expect of parishioners and what parishioners can expect from the parish.
Growing up I was challenged to developed and use any talent or skill to achieve the best outcomes. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has enabled me to assist others in our church community and feel comfortable that I am doing what God intended me to do. I will be forever thankful for the time spent here at Seton.