We were off last week (June 20
th), but went back to work on the 2020 Habitat recycle house in the Douglass Community in east Plano on Saturday June 27th. We had a small but dedicated group of volunteers and crew chiefs working on a warm and partly cloudy day, which helped as we were doing exterior work.
The work consisted of painting and replacing some siding. We were able to finish painting the first coat of the final color on the entire exterior of the house. We even had time to start painting the first coat on some of the exterior trim. There is a world of difference in the appearance of the house with the painting that has been completed so far.
We are in need of volunteers to complete this parish sponsored build. No prior experience needed. Just a desire to serve!
If you would like to help, be notified of our upcoming build schedule, or learn more about Seton’s Habitat activities, go to the Habitat for Humanity section of St. Elizabeth’s website (
www.setonparish.org/habitat). You can also connect with Seton Flocknote. Just join the group “Habitat for Humanity – Seton” in the Pastoral Care/Outreach ministry section.
Our Seton Habitat Team, along with Habitat for Humanity of Collin County, are following the recommended COVID19 guidelines to provide a safe environment to build God’s kingdom right here in Plano. Hope to see you there!