Now more than ever, it is critical that we come together in prayer. Please join us virtually as we live stream the following Holy Week Liturgies from our sanctuary...
Each of of these will be live streamed on our Seton Facebook page. Once finished, they will be posted on our website for future viewing.
Please remember to respect the "shelter in place" and to stay at home and join us in spirit. The doors to the church will remain locked for your safety.
On Easter Sunday, I invite you all to join Bishop Burns and Bishop Kelly for Mass as we unite with our Universal Church in prayer. This will be broadcast on Fox 4 channel at 11:00 a.m. from our Cathedral. (For livestream options
click here)
Even though you are viewing these liturgies from home, please do everything you can to create a sacred space and prayerful posture. We recommend that you stand, kneel and sit just as if you were in church. Instead of merely "watching Mass", I invite you to sincerely pray with the Mass. It makes all the difference.
Lastly, many of you have inquired about being able to pay your respects to loved ones, or to simply pray in the Columbarium. Since this is outdoors, and there are no door handles to touch, we will have it open this Friday-Sunday from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Again, please respect physical distancing guidelines if you come.
Our Holy Week will be very different this year, but God may be touching us all in deep and transformative ways even in the face of separation. Thank you for praying with us. May the Lord bless you and your loved ones this Holy Week!