"Love Truck Ministry" is receiving items this coming weekend! Please note their new hours. Also, note the special collection they are taking as the days grow colder for the "Plano Overnight Warming Station" (POWS).
Click the link below for more details.
"Giving Tree Project" has been adjusted and simplified this year. The COVID restrictions need to be observed. We will be employing a system using gift cards.
Please see the link below.
We are blessed to continue with another
"Together We Learn" session with John Eldridge on Saturday, November 21st at 10:00 a.m. It is entitled:
"Science and Catholicism: A Match Made in Heaven". A particularly relevant topic in our society today. You may register online
at the link below.
Sunday Mass attendance has consistently increased from around 600 in July, to over 1100 last Sunday! We are still celebrating Sacraments in smaller groups and observing certain COVID restrictions.
As you know, the Mass is our highest form of prayer! We can always learn more and reflect more on the profound symbols of the Liturgy.
Our own Bishop Burns teaches in an excellent manner in two of his recently televised Sunday Masses. They can be found on the links below.
Do watch them - they are quite informative and inspiring!.
Please pray for our world and nation. May we always seek justice, peace and the common good.