I am happy to announce that we will begin having Sunday Masses this coming weekend (June 27/28). We will be following protocols to insure a safe environment in which to worship.
To reduce crowding, and to reserve your seat, it is very important that everyone use the simple, sign-up process for the Mass time you wish to attend. You can do this by clicking the button at the bottom. Also, please fill out the “short survey” so we can plan accordingly for the future.
2) Every other pew will be taped off and we ask that all people leave at least 2 spaces in between them and the next person. Naturally those in the same family, or from the same party, should sit close together as you normally would. Ushers will assist you in this process.
3) It is strongly recommended that everyone wear a face covering when inside the building. When coming to Holy Communion you would then temporarily slip the mask off.
4) It is strongly recommended, but not demanded, that you receive Holy Communion in the hand.
5) There are many other safety protocols already in place that will remain, such as: not giving the Sign of Peace, or holding hands during the Our Father, or the use of hymnals or the dipping of Holy Water.
6) The Church will be thoroughly sanitized before and after each Mass.
7) There will be no passing of the collection basket, or bringing up of the gifts.
There are two secure collection boxes at the entrance of the Church where you can drop in your stewardship envelope or cash. Of course, you can continue mailing in your contributions or sign up for our online giving platform thru Faith Direct.
We appreciate your continued support during this challenging time.
We are grateful for those of you that have been coming to Church for daily Masses, or for Confession, or personal prayer, Thank you for being so diligent in following the various protocols. All of our events have gone smoothly this past month. This gives us confidence as we continue to open up more opportunities for worship, and as we look forward to other events and activities in the future.
In addition to Sunday Masses, we are adding additional daily Mass times beginning, Monday, June 29th. You can find that in the link below.
We have been waiting for this day to arrive! I look forward to seeing you this weekend!