The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation typically takes place in the spring of a teen's 8th grade year (however, anyone older than that can also receive Confirmation with the adequate preparation). The Diocese requires a two year preparation process (usually 7th and 8th grade). Of course "faith formation" is a life-long youth should be involved in faith formation sessions every year! For info related to this year's Confirmation weekend event, see the "forms" section.
All second year Confirmation preparation youth go on a weekend retreat at The PInes Catholic Camp. Information will be sent to you from the Faith Formation Office related to registration. (If a High School teen is preparing for Confirmation, then they join the C.R.E.W. High School retreat at DCYC - Dallas Catholic Youth Conference)
For teens who have not been in any faith formation for a while or who may need to be caught up on Baptism, 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion or Confirmation, please contact Bruce Baumann to inquire about our RCIY program.
For more information about the process, please contact the Faith Formation staff.