I always had heard, “God has a plan for you. You were created for a purpose.” But, I never believed how genuine and specific that plan was for me. I always felt like, “Yeah well, if I don’t obey and do what God wants me to do, the girl next to me will do it. And, she’ll probably do it better, because she is better than me anyway.” I had no confidence in myself or my ability to fulfill his plan. But, Living Your Strengths has shown me very directly and with scientific proof that I indeed have been created with a specific set of skills and talents that truly are intended to fulfill a certain destiny that only I can do.
This will help me in working with my team, in working with my husband, in working with my family; it provides a better level of communication.
God has given each of us our own individual gifts. He chose these Strengths for us and nobody else. Knowing my Strengths has positively changed my life forever. It placed a mirror in front of me and clearly showed me who I genuinely am.
It is very valuable to discover yourself and what you can contribute and do for your community, church, family and for the greater glory of God.
This has helped me to realize and confirm who I am and will allow me to help my family grow in support of who they are!
It's so valuable that I think people who have not gone through it are in the dark and swimming without a life jacket.
I feel so relieved to realize that I can stop trying to be someone I am not and celebrate who I am.
I am in a place where I want a new direction in my professional and religious life. This kind of analysis will be a significant part of my decision-making.
Excellent (and this is from someone who mostly hates things like this). It was so pertinent/relevant and easily understandable. I highly recommend it.
I think it is important to recognize our own strengths and the strengths of the people we interact with in our lives. It helps us to understand each other better.
This was a valuable opportunity for me to explore those areas in which I possess talent and how that talent may affect others.