The St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Men's Club Raffle supports our parish, our youth and the Plano Community. Our annual Raffle has been critical in helping us to meet these commitment’s. We sincerely thank all participants for your support of this annual event in the past and look forward to your support again this year.
In order to win, you must purchase the Raffle Tickets by April 26th, 2023.
Tickets are $25 each, two for $50. Also two special packages are offered again this year: Buy three and get one free (four for $75) or buy four and get two free (six for $100).
Purchase 2023 Men's Club Raffle Tickets Online Here!
You must be 18 or over to participate.
The drawing will be held on Sunday, April 30th after last Mass at Church. You do not have to be present to win!