We received a new decree from Bishop Burns, this updated decree gives pastors the discretion to determine proper gathering and seating requirements. In his decree the Bishop stated that there is no specific capacity requirement (either minimum or maximum), nor is there any requirement to leave every other row empty during Mass. The pastors should also establish a space that provides a fully “socially distanced environment” for those with concerns about gathering.
The USCCB released a statement on March 2, 2021 concerning the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in order to draw attention to the immoral use of abortion-derived cell lines in the development of COVID-19 vaccines and to guide the faithful concerning reception of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in particular. They have judged that given the limited access to vaccines, when there is no other choice it is morally acceptable to recieve the COVID-19 vaccines that have used these cell lines in their research and production processes. That being vaccinated can be an act of charity that serves the common good..
The governor's recent decision to remove the mask mandate and open up the state has created concern as to how our churches and schools will respond to the announcement. After consultation with priest representatives, health experts and a review of the current COVID statistics, at this time I have asked our pastors to continue to adhere to the current protocols we have in place. This includes the dispensation of the Sunday Mass obligation, social distancing and modest church capacity limits. We also expect the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Dallas to to continue wearing masks out of charity and concern for all those around them....
If you have not already signed up for the virtual tour of the Seton Shrine, there is still time and a few spots available. Click below for more information. Our own parish was featured in the Diocesan Sunday televised Mass this past weekend. Click below if you would like to watch the recording.
Thank you for your overwhelming generosity to support our ministries. During the last quarter, we received many small and large donations for our operations and our new building fund. Our project to build a new church gains more and more momentum each day! Our parish has been selected to participate in our very own virtual tour of the Mother Seton Shrine in Emmitsburg, Maryland. On Saturday, January 23rd at 1:00 p.m., we will have the opportunity to explore the home where St. Elizabeth Ann Seton grew up.