We invite you to join us as we teach and learn, pray and sanctify, and raise our voices in songs of praise. For when people worship and pray together; work and play together; laugh, cry and sacrifice together; they create a community with a common history and a rich heritage that becomes an essential element of their identity. We would like you to be a part of ours.
We have groups that serve by supporting others with similar interests, or at the same stage of life or circumstances – such as Seton Marrieds and the Caregivers Support Group. There are many different devotional groups and scripture study groups. There are Youth groups like Crew and Scouts and the Children’s Choir and Children’s Liturgy that encourage the young members of our parish to make Seton a vibrant part of their life – not just a place Mom and Dad make them go on Sunday. There are groups that comfort the grieving and those that assist the needy. Some are called to govern and others to teach. And new groups are always forming.