We are pleased that so many people are
attending Mass on Sunday and during the week. Please take personal time to pray for the good of the world, and of our nation and community. You might like to participate in
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday mornings, after the 8:30 a.m. Mass until 12 Noon. You could offer that time for the special needs of our society, such as defending life, and promoting the dignity and equality of all persons, as well as for safety and respect in our communities, We are called to love our neighbor. Prayer supports action.
The plans for our new building are moving forward.. We continue to receive pledges and we look forward to our future!
Thank you for supporting our campaign to build a new church. Also, thank you for your continued generosity to our regular needs and ministries.
Love Truck Ministry will be accepting donations
this Saturday from 9:00am-11:30am and
this Sunday from 9:00am-2:00pm.
Only food and clothing can be accepted this weekend. (Monetary donations can be made to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church with Love Truck in the memo and placed in the collection boxes or sent into the office).
Carter Blood Care seeks
plasma donations from people who have recovered from COVID-19. This plasma will help meet a critical need for
patients currently battling the virus.. Please read the full details on the link below.
Remember to register for Sunday Mass at the link below if you plan to join us. The sign-up is always on the home page of our parish website as well.
In order to help people
stay connected to our parish life, we will soon be providing an
"Online Bulletin" each week. If you choose
not to receive it, you can click on the
opt out button when it comes. However, we hope you will want to know about our parish activities and that this new feature will be helpful.