My name is Heather Loeb. Our family moved here 20 years ago from Collierville, TN. After a time, we set out to look for a new Catholic church, so we went to the Post Office to find the location of one close. The postal worker stated that there is a Catholic Church on Spring Creek. We had no idea where Spring Creek was and he had to give us directions. We went to Seton to look around and decided that we would try the Thanksgiving Day Mass as our first Mass here. What a beautiful surprise for us. We were so excited. The Mass was very crowded, beautiful singing, very friendly people who welcomed us graciously with the Sign of Peace. We really loved this church. We left with a big loaf of bread that was blessed. My whole family loved this Mass so much. We have been at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ever since that first Thanksgiving for us in 2001.
I have met so many people here. I have worked in Children’s Ministry for many, years. I helped with CCD for 5th graders. I set up and worked the Newcomer Dinners with my parents and was able to meet many great friends over the years. I joined Women’s Club with my mother and there – lots more friends we met. This gave me so many opportunities to help with different functions like the bazaar, the kitchen, being a greeter or helping wherever I could. Mardi Gras was always fun to do too -and the people-they are such an inspiration to me. VBS -lots of great fun during the summer.
Special Olympics has been huge in my life and I really enjoy it. I have learned so much too. I have met many friends including parents in the many sports events I participated in for years. I love sports. I have 2 great brothers and went to all of their sports games from time I was 1 year old. I work many 1000 piece puzzles, one right after another and then my mom glues them together.
Jesus is in my life every day. He helps me to help others. Wherever there is a need, whether large or small – I like to be a part of it. If it means pushing someone in a wheelchair or just carrying something for them, opening a door or hugging someone – I am there. Jesus has helped me to realize that I can do a lot of things for other people and for HIM! I send out many birthday cards every month, anniversary cards and I make special banners for friends. My parents have always been there for me -no matter what the situation is. During Covid when we couldn’t go to church, I watched at least 4 Masses every Sunday morning. Now I still watch the Masses and go to church too. I enjoy the singing also. Jesus has helped me in so many ways and I know He loves all of us and wants us to be the best we can be.
The following is written by Heather’s mother and father. Heather is such a beautiful person, inside and out. Her smile is contagious and heartwarming. She is very considerate, kind, hard working, sincere, helpful and so full of love to give away and to share with everybody she meets along the way. When she sees friends she knows, she brings such joy and happiness and joy to them and their lives. She brightens up anybody’s day when they are around her. She always treats everybody with respect and loves to do the Lord’s work in her life every day. God truly sent us a special angel in our lives and we couldn’t be more proud of her. She helps us all the time and makes everyday a fun and great adventure in our lives. She is a miracle and has such a beautiful story of her life. Heather does have some mountains to climb, but whatever the challenge, she turns it into love or hugs and a very positive attitude. She is hopeful about anything GOOD for her and family and friends. She always makes us laugh. Her treasures in life are Jesus, her family, her church and her cherished bonds of friendship. Heather has so much love to give, and this is a major part of who she is and being a trusted friend is way up at the top.