We are continuing to experience a growth in our Sunday Mass attendance! Last Sunday we had 800 people between the five Masses. The week before it was around 730. It is joyful to celebrate the Eucharist and other Sacraments with you again! You will find the link to our pre-registration "sign-up" below.
Agape Resource and Assistance Center, which provides help and shelter for women and children who are homeless.
Replenish School Supplies helps provide materials for children in the Plano area who are in need.
Plano Overnight Warming Station, called “POWS”, helps those without shelter on very cold nights.
This is a warning! The spammers are busy again! Please continue to be prudent if you receive any message that has my name on it, especially if the email message asks "for a favor". Please do not respond to such an email.
God Bless you and all the needs that rest in your hearts!