Little did we know in November, 1974, that our future was being drafted by someone much greater than either of us.
Bill was a guest speaker to my class in the Richardson Schools...a class designated for non-college bound students. As education director for the Associated General Contractors he showed students how they could become tradesmen (and women), be they carpenters, plumbers, electricians, bricklayers, etc. (I’m not sure if they were impressed what their future potential might be, but needless to say, I saw a great future...and potential!
Fast forward to March 27, 1975, GOOD FRIDAY...and it was. We were engaged! By June 29, 1975, we were saying our “I Do’s” at St. Rita Catholic Church. Homes in both Richardson and Plano began our involvement at both All Saints and St. Mark’s, during which time we were blessed with three children, Kristin, Patrick and Kathryn...all gifts through the selfless and greatest act of love by three incredible birth parents.
From the early days of St. Mark’s pre-school, grade school and Bishop Lynch High School, we found our involvement focusing on our children and their activities. Whether as School Board members at both St. Mark’s and Lynch, leading the Catholic scouting awards for both the Girl and Boy Scouts, serving on the Board of Marywood Maternity & Adoption Services, and The Pines Catholic Camp...our days (and evenings) were filled with commitments to fostering our beliefs as Catholics.
When The Catholic Foundation asked that I join their Board, it was Bill who encouraged and supported me along the way...a tenure of nine years which included The Foundation’s 50th Anniversary, countless Award Dinners, Distribution Committees, etc. One of the greatest joys was visiting numerous churches, schools and institutions that I didn’t even know existed.
In 2010, with our oldest daughter and her family in Pittsburgh, we made a move to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, just a short distance from our home. Word spread quickly and it wasn’t long that we were “volunteered” to chair the 2012 Seton Gala. Thank goodness we had nearly a year to learn from the Eifler’s what this new “job” would entail. We loved the challenge and getting “Jeremy Renner” as our Gala “celebrity” added to the excitement. The greatest excitement; however, was the ability to retire the debt on The Faith Formation Center.
Today, we continue to be busy...not only with running our family-owned business, PASCO, but in helping Catholic causes both within our parish and beyond. Be it JPII High School, Dunne, Lynch, St. Mark’s, OLPH, etc. we are committed to Catholic education and continue to serve on the Diocesan Education Endowment Trust. We have a very soft spot in our heart for Holy Cross Parish and Father Tim Gollob...a modern day saint in Oak Cliff. But, we hope our arms and hearts can reach even farther as we have adopted Holy Name School in Ketchikan, Alaska. Little did we know that when Bishop Burns hosted us in the Diocese of Juneau in 2012, that he would one day shepherd us in the Dallas Diocese. Not only did we fall in love with Bishop Burns, but most especially, the only school in the entire diocese, Holy Name.
We’re not sure what plans God has for us next, but rest assured, you can find us at numerous Galas, Catholic Foundation Award Dinners, and promoting His Good Works. This time last year we didn’t know of the exceptional work of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, and since then we have been invested into the Order and look forward to sharing with others the need to preserve The Holy Land.
God has a PLAN for each of us, we just don’t know what it is...but one thought we will leave with you is “The Hearse Doesn’t Have A Luggage Rack”. Give now of your time, talent and treasure so you can enjoy seeing the Good Works you embrace!