Dear Parish Family,
As Bishop Burns has stated, we are living in extraordinary times right now. We have been thrust into the desert, but rest assured that God is right there with us.
Now more than ever, it is critical that we turn to the Lord with prayer, fasting and almsgiving during this Lenten season. We are hearing about many incredible stories of generosity and love during this time of distress. My prayer is that you too will join us in being light to the world!
Please use this extra time and opportunity to reflect, pray and study. We will be sending you various resources to assist in your faith walk. In addition, our church will remain open on a daily basis for you to come and pray quietly with the Lord.
Fridays, 1:30-2:30pm
Saturdays, 9:00-10:00am and 3:00-4:30pm
Sundays, 9:00am-Noon
As you can imagine, our ministry operations and outreach to the community are dependent upon your generous and regular contributions. Please consider signing up for our secure online giving through Faith Direct if you have not done so already (button below). This will not only help get us through this crisis, but it will help ensure that our 90+ ministries can meet the needs of the community on an ongoing basis. Of course, you are always welcome to mail your tithing checks into the parish office as well or drop them in the designated slot in the Welcome Center of the narthex of the church.
Be assured of our prayers and support during this very trying time. I, along with my brother priests, are continuing to offer up private Masses for you. God Bless and stay safe!
Father Bruce A. Bradley