Dear Parish Family at Seton,
Some good news! We are moving forward in opening our church home. Beginning this next Tuesday, May 26th, we will celebrate public daily Masses.
This does not include any public weekend or Sunday Masses yet. Our Saturday evening Mass will continue only to be live streamed, until we hear otherwise from the Diocese. Below you will find the schedule for our events as well as other important information.
will be open from 8:00am to Noon every day
Weekday Mass (Monday-Friday)
starting on Tuesday, May 26
8:30am in the church
Adoration on Friday
after the 8:30am Mass until Noon.
will be open 9:00am - 5:00pm each day
on Friday and Saturday in the church
from 9:00am to 10:00am
Adoration and Confessions on Sunday
from 9:00am to Noon
Only the main entrance (east side) will be used for now. Please practice proper social distancing and wash your hands, or use hand sanitizer and face coverings, or masks, while in the Church. Thank you.
Our Love Truck "Fan and Food Drive" was a huge success. Thank you as always for your generous outreach to our community in need.
We had our new church building "Reveal" last Saturday. Please go to the Building Our Future page to watch the recorded webinar and to see the design/plans for our beautiful new campus!
Garrett Bockman will be ordained to the priesthood next weekend. He asked that his "First Mass of Thanksgiving" be celebrated at our parish. Please join us as we live stream this special Mass from our parish sanctuary on Saturday, May 30th at 4:00 p.m. (This will take the place of our usual 6pm live streamed liturgy.)
I am inspired by your continued perseverance in prayer and generosity these past months. God Bless and we will see you soon!
Yours in Christ, Father Bradley