In consideration for your health, and the public good, we will be suspending immediately public receptions involving food service, until after this coming Easter Sunday.
This means for the time being we will not be having Lenten Soup Suppers, even though the public prayers will remain as scheduled for Fridays during Lent.
This means we will not be having Parish Breakfasts, Donut Sundays, or funeral receptions, for the time being until after Easter.
We also await any further instructions from the health authorities, or from our Bishop, regarding public services. We will maintain the current protocols the Bishop has requested during public Mass. The current protocols include: not giving the Sign of Peace physically during Mass, nor holding hands during the Our Father; as well as not offering the Chalice.
It is important to remember that if you are sick you are not obligated to attend Mass, and you should stay home. It may be helpful to watch the Mass on television, or your computer, if you cannot attend.We are considering other precautions and protocols for Mass and public gatherings as well as maintaining the current ones.
Please pray the good health and common good of all people. Please pray for an end to the spreading of disease, especially the deadly virus. Please take time during this Lenten Season to reflect as to how we can best respond to our world as followers of Christ and spread a message of faith, hope and love.
Yours, -Fr. Bruce Bradley