On a Sunday fifteen years ago, I was moved to attend Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton after being away for too many years. I was needing something that I could only get from God -- His love and mercy. My daughter was around 8 years old at that time. She had not received any of her Sacraments of Initiation. With much fear and trepidation, I called the church office and inquired about what could I do to get my daughter baptized. I spoke with people that truly embodied what “loving your neighbor” is all about.
I found out that our parish had a program for kids like my daughter. I was also invited to attend a program for adults that had been away from their faith, just like me. My daughter and I found love and acceptance through these two programs - Initiation (RCIC) for her, and Re-Membering Church for me. My daughter came into the Church the following Easter Vigil. Through the encouragement of many, I became a catechist and taught her through her high school years. I continue today to share my faith with children and youth in our parish.
God continues to work miracles in my life. I have experienced the wonderful healing power of the Body of Christ in our church. I have developed and grown my faith with the many courses and resources available at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
A few years ago, I was invited and accepted to be part of our parish R.C.I.A. team. Some time ago while participating in a stewardship study group, some of my fellow parishioners encouraged me to join the jail ministry which I did. Since then, I continue to bring Holy Communion and a word of encouragement to those in prison. I am a member of the Knights of Columbus, have been a counselor to the Columbian Squires and have been on multiple ACTS Retreat teams.
I realize today that I get more by giving of myself to others than by not sharing with others what God has done in my life. And I know that I can’t go it alone. I have a wonderful community of friends at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The Body of Christ is vibrant and ever present in our community of faith. I’m blessed to be a parishioner at St Elizabeth Ann Seton.