Thank you for making last weekend’s Food and Fan Drive so successful. Our parishioners are truly amazing and have always been so responsive to helping those in our community who are in need. No matter how challenging things may be with our economy their generosity knows no limits.
We collected over 70 fans which is amazing. Catholic Charities and especially the people who will benefit from them will be EXTREMELY thankful. We had an exceptional food collection. We filled over 60 totes with food. So very appreciative that we will be able to provide food to people who are so in need of assistance. We had a large St Vincent de Paul Truck this weekend and received a lot of donations. The truck wasn’t completely full but we filled about 75%. Quite an accomplishment.
Those that volunteered were so inspired by how appreciative our parishioners were about Love Truck being opened and how their generosity continues to abound. We are all so very Blessed to be part of a truth AMAZING Faith Community.
Thanks Father Bradley for allowing us to have our Love Truck. A special thanks to Chris Rod and Chad McCutchen for all their efforts in coordinating each Love Truck weekend. They truly do an amazing job and we so very much appreciate their ongoing efforts. We also need to thank our shift leaders and the many volunteers who each month invest their time to help the Love Truck ministry and the people in our community. It is because of all them the Love Truck ministry is able to respond to Jesus’ challenge to “ Love One Another.”