Walking with the People of God - 2018 Lenten Series Discussions Summary
Dear Parish Family at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, I would like to follow up on the Lenten Series we had called “Walking With the People of God.” We thought that it would be good to share the summary thoughts taken from the table discussions. I would like to thank Laura Shoemaker, Jane Gray, Karen Szatkowski and Kathy Buroker who collected and reviewed the notes that were taken during the discussions. I present them now to you for your further reflection. God bless you. Keep Walking with the Lord!
Yours, -Fr. Bruce Bradley
Listen and ask God with reverence for Direction while seeking truth. Pray for guidance. Sometimes the Holy Spirit speaks through others. Wisdom is found through listening. Listen and be humble. Recognize gifts from the Lord; share them with others; trust in the Lord. The Covenant is a love relationship. Prayer is a conversation with God. Do something beautiful for God. Don’t stay in the desert… have courage; step up and step out in faith!
Be aware of our talents but also our limitations. Learn to refer cases to a higher authority… God. A leader has the ability to listen and to bring people together. We should help others develop their talents. Share and live the faith within the community with an attitude of servanthood.
We are commissioned by our Baptism to teach and evangelize. Teach through actions. Minister to those closest to us and especially those who don’t know the way. Surround yourself with good people to encourage and inspire you to be good. See Jesus in ALL people – shame no one, speak to all, genuinely listen to concerns, reach out to someone who is alone, pray for them, love as Christ loved.
Fast not only from food but from gossip, social media, etc. Fasting, along with prayer, is like a “reset” button which can bring clarity. We are challenged to set aside technology and unclutter our lives to allow time for family, church and relationships. Understand that life is more than work and play; we must have prayer and a connection to God. We need spiritual “tools” to maintain balance.
Forgiveness is for ourselves and lack of forgiveness poisons mind and spirit and without forgiveness we block the process of healing. Letting go of feelings and emotions that weigh us down helps us to move forward and restores relationship with God. Reconciliation and the Eucharist can bring someone back to spiritual life after being away from the Church for any number of reasons – addiction, marriage outside Church, family matters, etc. Weak or no faith equals “death”; strong or reinvigorated faith equals “life”.
Each of us is vital to the Church through the gifts we bring; we are not made to live in isolation but rather designated to live in community and communion with others sharing strengths, energy and inspiration. Be willing to share the Gospel message regardless of surroundings or specific situations. Openness and trusting in God to direct and lead us can be very fruitful to bring peace into our lives.
God has given us the way to stay positive and focused on sharing the promises of Christ. We are called to remember that we have the Holy Spirit dwelling among us to guide and support us. God gives us the grace to do His work. Our service to the Lord makes us special.