Walking with the People of God - Organizing the Community Part 3
Walking with the People of God
Organizing the Community
Part 3:The Lord Shares the Spirit: Not always in the way we expect Numbers 11: 24-30, Outpouring of the Spirit, even upon those outside the Tent
Moses told the people of God’s desire for him to share his work with the elders of Israel. The Spirit was poured out upon them and they “prophesied”. Two of the elders were not inside the Tent at the time of this occasion. They also prophesied. Joshua was disturbed that these two were speaking out of turn, and asked Moses to stop them. Moses responded by saying that Joshua need not be jealous, nor restrictive. Moses said, “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! Would that the Lord might bestow his spirit on them all!”
This event teaches us that God was active in sharing gifts with the elders. Things do not always work exactly as we envision them to be. We need to be open to the working of God’s plan through people. We need to appreciate what is good and build upon it.
Sometimes we use a term to describe unexpected happenings as “outside the box.” God indeed sees things that we do not. God builds upon the talents of a person even when others do not. God sees the potentials of a person, and the power of God can build upon that potential. The example of this is found in Eldad and Medad prophesying “outside the Tent.”
The Elders themselves had virtues, but also limitations. God works with our strengths and our limitations. We need to be patient and supportive of one another in working for the common good.
To support and foster the gifts of others is an important quality of leadership. Moses also realized that he was not in control of everything that was going on. He was grateful for the gifts shared unexpectedly with those outside the Tent. He longed to see others share in those gifts as well. The ultimate goal of true leadership would be to foster the development of others. What a blessing to the world if all God’s people realized their gifts and used them.
Reflection questions:
Why was Joshua disturbed that Eldad and Medad were prophesying outside the Tent? Are we disturbed when people do unusual things that may be brilliant, or highly spiritual?
Do we need to be in control of all that is around us? Can we be in control of all that is around us?
Do we recognize and support the gifts of others? Do we recognize our own gifts? Do our gifts work together with others for the common good?