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We must strive and ask for the GRACE to create a culture of ENCOUNTER that restores to each person his or her own DIGNITY
Pope Francis
On September 27, 2017, Pope Francis launched a global campaign to support immigrants and refugees around the world called “Share the Journey.” Our brothers and sisters often make perilous journeys, leaving their homelands because they are forced to flee their homes to escape conflict, poverty, persecution and violence. There are more refugees and internally displaced people now—over 65 million—than at any other time in recorded history. Our faith calls us to “love our neighbor,” to see Christ in those who are in greatest need, and to welcome newcomers seeking the security, peace, and opportunity they cannot find in their home countries.
We can join Pope Francis and the Church around the world, and share the journey with fellow children of God. Over the next two years we can do this by
learning about their journeys. Read stories, watch videos, and pay attention to news that can help sensitize us to their reality. Then, share what you learn with others by:
A Prayer for the Global Migration Campaign
*Lord and Master,
Many are the journeys your people have taken:
Abraham’s journey led from fear to understanding;
Moses’ journey led from bondage to liberty;
the disciples’ journey led from death to new life.
Even today, your people journey—
immigrants and refugees, pilgrims and nomads,
searching for hope, searching for opportunity,
searching for peace,
searching for you.
Lord, I know that I too am called to journey.
Yet too many times, I have heard your call,
and my feet have remained unmoved.
Continue to call me
beyond my comfort and into encounter.
And when I meet a companion on the road,
may we find you in each other’s embrace.
Let us share the journey.
*"Adonai" which in Hebrew means Lord God was used in the original text, proceeding what you see here.
Photo by Daniel Etter for CRS.
PRAYER without ACTION is no prayer at all.
St. Theresa of Kolkata