Please contact Mary in the Parish Office 972-398-5415 during office hours. 9am - 12noon and 1pm-5pm, Monday through Friday
In case of an emergency you may reach our answering service at any time the offices are closed.
The Home Ministry primarily serves parishioners who are homebound, although we also make some extended visits to the Assisted Living and Alzheimer’s facilities. We are involved with the people we visit in a number of different ways. Sometimes we are involved for only a short period of time if the person is at home as a result of pregnancy, surgery or illness. There are other times when we are called to bring communion to an individual with a long-term illness over the course of many months or even longer. We also serve the elderly by bringing the Lord to them where they live for an extended period of time. It is an honor and privilege to journey with the people we meet. They truly become a part of our lives.
"...I was sick and you visited me."
Matthew 25:36
Our hospital ministers are a dedicated group of Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist who visit and bring Holy Communion to Catholic patients in the Plano hospitals. At a time when people are often most vulnerable, hospital ministers have the opportunity to bring comfort and a personal connection to our faith community, as well as the great gift of the Eucharist.
We visit the Medical City of Plano daily and Baylor Plano Regional Hospitals twice weekly.
Our active Nursing Home Ministry at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish offers several opportunities for you to share your time and to serve our brothers and sisters in the community. By bringing the Eucharist to the nursing homes, the residents are able to stay connected to the Catholic community and to continue their reception of Holy Communion on a regular basis.
We currently visit several nursing homes in Plano on various days of the week.